MM approach advocates that value of firm is not affected by Capital Structure. There are two types of Firm
- Levered Firm
- Unlevered Firm
- Levered Firm : levered firm is a company witch has debt proportion in their Capital Structure.
- Unlevered Firm : Unlevered is an all-equity firm, or An unlevered firm is a company witch has no debt, and is referred to as unlevered because it doesn’t have financial leverage. Financial leverage is created when a company utilizes borrowing, usually from lenders, or from investors, by issuing debt through bonds or preferred stock.
Modigliani-Miller Proposition I
States that in the absence of taxes, the value of a levered firm equals the value of an otherwise identical unlevered firm.
Modigliani-Miller Proposition I (No Taxes): VL =VU
The value of a levered firm equals the market value of its debt plus the market value of its equity.
M-M’s arbitrage process argument is based on the following assumptions:
(a) Personal or homemade and corporate leverage are perfect substitutes;
(b) Transaction cost does not exist
(c) Rate of interest at which company can borrow money is also available to individuals.
(d) Institutional investors are free to deal in securities;
(e) There are no taxes.
(f) Borrowings are risk-less.
(g) Investors are fully knowledgeable and rational.