
Question Paper 1st Common Paper ( Main Paper Management ) – 2018 December

Question Paper Bifurcation  – 1st Common Paper ( Main Paper Management ) – 2018 December


Unit Paper Name No.of Questions
1 Teaching Aptitude 5
2 Research Aptitude 5
3 Comprehension 5
4 Communication 5
5 Mathematical Reasoning and Aptitude  5
6 Logical Reasoning 5
7 Data Interpretation 5
8 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) 5
9 People, Development and Environment 4
10 Higher Education System 6
  Total No. of question 50

 Unit 1: Teaching Aptitude

1. The construction of thought process, which includes remembering, problem solving and decision making, is called as :

1. Psychology                                                  2. Andragogy

3. Cognitive development                               4. Pedagogy


2. The field of study dealing with methods and principles used in adult education is known :

1. Anthropology                                              2. Pedagogy

3. Gerontology                                                4. Andragogy


3. The field of study of the theory and practice of self-determined learning that focuses on the importance of knowing how to learn is known as :

1. Andragogy                                                  2. Pedagogy

3. Heutagogy                                                  4. Epistemology


4. Which of the following indicates the concept of Zone of Proximal Development (APD) as suggested by psychologist Lev Vygotsky ?

1. A learner's brain develops faster in childhood.

2. Friends interaction is very important for proper development of child.

3. What a learner can do with help and without help.

4. A learner learns effectively when it is supported with real life, examples.


5. Which among the following is the correct set of four fundamental principles of Rabindranath Tagore’s educational philosopy ?

1. Humanism, Commercialisation, Urbanisation, Hinduism

2. Naturalism, Humanism, Internationalism, Idealism

3. Globalisation, Localisation, Transformation, Capitalism

4. Socialism, Spiritualism, Tourism, Commercialism


Research Aptitude


1. The four approaches to knowing answers to research questions, according to Kerlinger, are :

(a) Method of tenacity                                    (b) Method of instuition

(c) Method of authority                                  (d) Method of science

(e) Method of creativity                                  (f) Method of non-functionality

Code :

1. (a), (b), (c) and (d)                                      2.(c), (d), (e) and (f)

3.(b), (c), (d) and (e)                                       4.(b), (d), (e) and (f)


2. Which method is appropriate to reduce random error ?

1. Administer the test after a gap of one week

2. Select large sample size

3. Administer the treatment in the same way every time

4. Administer manipulation checks


3. One way to measure the extent to which a measure is free of random error is to compute its :

1. Content validity                                            2. Test-retest reliability

3. Experimenter's bias                                     4. Demand characteristics


4. Qualitative researchers criticise quantitative research for its tendency towards :

1. Emphasis on evidence                                 2. Reductionism

3. Obsession with creativity                            4. Focus on empiricism


5. In relation to code of conduct in research, what does APA stand for ?

1. American Psychological Association

2. Association of Psychological Assessments

3. Advanced Psychological Authority

4. Australian Psychological Association



Read the following passage carefully and answer questions 1 to 5.

For all the disagreement in the industry about the future of aviation, there is perfect accord on one point: There is going to be a lot more of it. The world’s air passengers flew a combined 7.64 trillion kilometers in 2017. By 2037, that will rise to 18.97 trillion kilometers, with about 40 % of the increase happening within five intra-regional markets: China, India, North-America, Europe and South-east Asia. That is sparking a battle over the biggest bottleneck holding back this growth: apirports. The governments that still own many of them should be more open to privatisation to cover a $ 78 billion funding gap in needed capital investments. Airlines, airports’ biggest customers, see things differently. Costs at privatised terminals are higher and governments should be cautious about such actions in the interests of expanding the aviation sector as a whole. Privatising an airport does not necessarily make it more efficient. A study has found there was little difference between the performance of airports 100% owned by commercially-oriented government corporations and those majority controlled by private businesses. The key is instead to avoid structures where the incentives for managers are confused or misaligned, such as where private companies are brought in as minority investors or where managers are essentially bureaucrats swayed by political imperatives. There is a better solution out there, but it is not likely to be very attractive to incumbent airlines, airports, or passengers enamoured of the current generation of gleaming terminals: build more, cheaper airports.

1. Which of the following is the focal inference of the author in the passage ?

1. Government-owned airports are known for high performance.

2. Growth of the aviation industry is distorted

3. Airports are not an obstacle to the growth of aviation industry.

4. Private ownership of airports does not mean efficient management.


2. Why should the governments be open to privatisation of airports?

1. For necessary capital

2. Because they own many airports.

3. Because there is a battle for growth

4. To limit the government control of aviation industry.


3. What is the key fro making airports function efficiently ?

1. Provide misaligned incentives to managers.

2. Make private companies as minority shareholders.

3. Avoid structures of confused incentives to managers.

4. Recognise political imperatives of bureaucrats appointed as managers.


4. How do airlines see the move for privatisation of airports ?

(a) Feel that costs are high

(b) Governments should be cautions

(c) Interest of the aviation sector is important

(d) It decentralises the authority to control

Code :

1. (a), (c) and (d)

2. (a), (b) and (c)

3. (d), (a) and (b)

4. (c), (d) and (a)


5. What is the growth rate in aviation apart from the five intra-regional markets ?

1. 20 percent                                       2. 30 percent

3. 40 percent                                       4. 10 percent




1. Signs are considered as secondary products of :

1. Message                  2. Infotainment           3. Channelisation                    4. Semantic accuracy


2. The information seeking strategics of students are :

(a) Entropy-oriented               (b) Overt                                 (c) Non-functional

(d) Indirect                              (e) Third party                         (f) Testing

Code :

1. (b), (c), (e) and (f)                           2. (a), (b), (c) and (f)

3. (a), (b), (d) and (e)                          4. (b), (d), (e) and (f)


3. In a classroom, communication becomes effective when participants are :

(a) Active                     (b) Empathetic                         (c) Heterophilous

(d) Homophilous         (e) Silent                                  (f) Uncritical


Code :

1. (b), (c), (d) and (e)                          2. (a), (b) and (d)

3. (a), (b), (c) and (d)                          4. (c), (e) and (f)


4. The relational approach in classroom communication comes from :

1. Mass communication                                  2. Intra-personal communication

3. Inter-personal communication                    4. Organisational communication


5. Classroom speech is considered as a :

1. Non-technical medium                                2. Mass medium

3. Unorganised medium                                  4. Technical medium


Mathematical Reasoning and Aptitude 

1. If DIVE is coded as IMYG, then the code for TAKE will be :-

1. YENG                     2. TFMG                     3. XFMG                    4. XENG


2. The next term in a letter series is : MR, KH, IK, GN, ————–is :

1. BD                          2. CK              3. EQ                           4. DF


3. The next term in the series is : 56, 40, 27, 17, 10,———

1. 6                  2. 5                  3. 8                  4. 7


4. Ram said, I am the only child of my mother“. Next he pointed to a boy and continues, “This boy is the husband of the grand child of my mother”. How is Ram related to the boy ?

1. Brother-in-law                     2. Grandfather                        3. Father-in-law                       4. Father


5. Chose the word which is different from the rest.

1. Eyes                        2. Hands                      3. Legs                        4. Nose

Logical Reasoning

1. “To slow a beast, you break its limbs. To slow a nation, you break its people.”

– Identify the argument involved in the above :

1. Deductive               2. Demonstrative                     3. Analogical               4. Inductive


2. Given below are two premises (a) and (b). Four conclusions are drawn from them. Select the code that states validly drawn conclusion (s) (taking the premises individually or jointly).

Premises :        (a) Some women are teachers.

               (b) All teachers are hard-working.

Conclusions : (i) All hard-working people are teachers.

              (ii) All teachers are not women.

              (iii) Some hard-working teachers are women.

                              (iv) Some women are hard-working.

Code :

1. (i) and (ii)

2. (iii) and (iv)

3. (i) and (iv)

4. (ii) and (iii)


3. In which of the following arguments the conclusion can be no more than probable ?

1. Demonstrative                     2. Analogical               3. Implicative              4. Deductive


4. Among the following statements, two are contradictory to each other. Select the code that represents them.

Statements :    (a) All surgeons are doctors.

               (b) Some surgeons are doctors.

                          (c) Some surgeons are not doctors.

               (d) No surgeons are doctors.

Code :

1. (a) and (d)

2. (b) and (c)

3. (b) and (d)

4.  (a) and (b)


5. “The relation that exists between Premises and Conclusion is that of logical necessity”- is the case with which of the following arguments ?

1. Analogical               2. Deductive               3. Inductive                 4. Demonstrative


Data Interpretation







Time (hours)

Distance (kms)

Time (hours)

Distance (kms)

Time (hours)

Distance (kms)





































The table given above gives the number of kilometers travelled and the number of hours taken by five cabs A, B, C, D and E. Data on three days is given-Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Use the above data to answer the questions given below.

1. The difference between the average speed of cab C and cab E on Monday is :

1. 11 kms/hr                2. 21 kms/hr                3. 41 kms/hr                4. 31 kms/hr


2. The average speed of cab A for the three days taken together is approximately :

1. 10 km/hr                  2. 40 km/hr                  3. 30 km/hr                  4. 20 km/hr


3. Which cab travelled the most in the three days taken together ?

1. B                 2. C                 3. D                 4. E


4. Which of the following diagrams indicates the best relation between India, World and New Delhi ?

1.                                   2.

3.                                  4.


5. Which of the following diagrams best represents the relationship between, family, family member and domestic help ?

1.                                             2.            

3.                                            4.  


Information and Communication Technology

1. Match the following :

List – I                                                             List – II

(a) Browser                                            (i) Outlook

(b) Programming Language                (ii) DOS

(c) Operating System                          (iii) Internet Explorer

(d) E-mail                                              (iv) Fortran

The correct code is :

(a)        (b)        (c)        (d)

1. (i)          (iii)       (ii)        (iv)

2. (ii)         (iii)       (iv)       (i)

3. (iii)        (iv)       (ii)        (i)

4. (iv)        (iii)       (ii)        (i)


2. Which of the following are pointed devices ?

(a) Trackball   

(b) Touchscreen

(c) Graphic Tablet

(d) Joystick

Code :

1. (a), (b) and (c)

2. (a) only

3. (a), (b), (c) and (d)

4. (a) and (d)


3. Which of the following denotes the Internet hardware requirements ?

(a) Hub           

(b) Bridge

(c) Router

(d) Gateway

(e) Modem

Code :

1. (e) only

2. (a), (b) and (e)

3. (a), (c), (d) and (e)

4. (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e)


4. Which one of the following is not a Network Topology?

1. Bus

2. Star

3. Chain

4. Ring


5. A set of rules used in communications in a network is called :

1. Interface

2. Protocol

3. Address

4. Reference


People, Development and Environment

1. Assertion (A) : Natural gas is a very attractive eco-friendly fuel.

Reason (R) : It produces few pollutants and less carbon dioxide per unit energy than any other fossil fuel on combustion.

Code :

1. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

2. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

3. (A) is false, but (R) is true.

4. (A) is true, but (R) is false.


2. As per Central Forestry Commission (CFC), how many forest types are found in our country ?

1. 16

2. 15

3. 28

4. 20


3. The most harmful types of environmental pollutants are :

1. Natural nutrients present in excess

2. Wastes from faecal matter

3. Human organic wastes

4. Non-biodegradable chemical


4. The percentage of energy coming from the Sun is re-radiated towards the space ?

1. 50 %

2. 15%

3. 25%

4. 30%

Higher Education System


1. Match the following :

             List – I                                                             List – II

(a) Open University                                (i) Odisha State Open University, Odisha

(b) Dual Mode University                      (ii) Amity University

(c) Mixed Mode University                   (iii) Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru

(d) Deemed University                         (iv) University of Mumbai, Mumbai

(e) Specialised University                   (v) School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi

The correct code is :

    (a)    (b)        (c)        (d)       (e)

1. (i)     (iv)       (ii)        (iii)       (v)

2. (v)    (i)         (iv)       (ii)        (iii)

3. (iii)   (ii)        (v)        (i)         (iv)

4. (ii)    (iii)       (i)         (iv)       (v)


2. One of the first states to establish a higher education council was :

1. Jammu and Kshmir

2. Goa

3. Andhra Pradesh

4. Sikkim

3. The number of open universities and directorates of distance education whose courses are recognised by UGC as on August 9, 2018, is “

1. 58

2. 53

3. 49

4. 62


4. A study was carried out on the drought resilience in India. Which of the following States show highest level of handling drought ?

1. Sikkim, Punjab, Arunachal Pradesh

2. Jharkhand, Chhatisgarh, Jammu and Kashmir

3. Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu

4. Odisha, Karnataka, Kerala


5. State higher education councils are established under the instruction of :



3. NITI Ayog



6. Which private institutions in the following list have been granted the status of ‘Institutes of Eminence’ by the MHRD?

(i) BITS, Pilani

(ii) MAHE, Manipal

(iii) Symbiosis, Pune

(iv) Amity University, Noida

Choose the correct answer from the code given below :

Code :

1. (i) and (ii)

2. (ii) and (iv)

3. (ii) and (iii)

4. (i) and (iii)





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